Classic, contemporary or modern, you will find paintings, framed pictures, mirrors and wall decorations to add a touch of style to your walls.


Choose from our abstract reproductions, European, floral, classic style, contemporary or modern, as well as our reproductions and lithographs from Quebec artists (A. Paquin, Paquin PT, Vermette and Beaudoin).

Scanning / Printing

Print all your photos, images and scans. We also offer a wide selection of reproductions of works done by Quebec artists as well as several other reproductions that will match well in your home décor.

Transfer on Canvas

From a paper photo or poster, this enables you to transfer virtually any image onto canvas with professional quality.

Framed Picture

Many laminated and framed pictures are available in several styles to fit in with your home décor. You can even choose your own images to laminate, transfer on canvas or print.

Wall Accessories

Choose from metal decorations or unique mirrors. Several collections are available in store: flowers, trees, cities, bridges, modern and antique clocks and wall vases.


Preserve your photos, images and documents with quality lamination. You can choose between regular, glossy or textured finish as well as backing in either masonite or pressed wood (more options available soon).